SHRALP Bicycle Repairs

SHRALP Bicycle Repairs is a bicycle repair business located in Linlithgow, West Lothian. Here at SHRALP we strive to offer you highly competitive prices in the fastest, safest, possible turnaround. We offer anything from a simple hour long “Peace Of Mind" bronze service to “the full send” platinum service, along with other repairs and/or parts replacements you may need. With SHRALP, it couldn’t be much easier to return your trusty, and possibly even rusty bike to its former glory.



Contact us



34 Stewart Avenue, Linlithgow, Eh496dh, West Lothian

Opening Hours

Monday - Friday

12:00 - 20:00


14:00 - 20:00


By appt.

Why Choose SHRALP?

Here at SHRALP we aim to offer the fastest, most reliable bicycle repair services at a fraction of the cost of your usual big name service centres. I aim to receive/collect your bike the day you place your order, service it to the highest standard with zero corners cut and have your bike back to you by end of the next working day (Due to shipping times, please allow 2-3 days for platinum services and up to 5 for replacement parts). We offer a range of services from a "peace of mind" service at only £10, undertaken next day to a platinum service with a free year of puncture cover. You get a flat, I'll fix it at no cost whatsoever*

About Us

Daniel B

“SHRALP” owner

I have been in the bike repair business since 2020, I have always had a passion for bikes. Whether it be riding them, inevitably breaking them, or fixing them back up I always have a bike next to me. Fixing and upgrading myself and others bikes has always been a massive hobby for me since I first jumped on a bike at 3 years old, and I have just recently decided to take my passion to the next level and help others by repairing and servicing their bikes as well. 


•I request you please place an order or phone in advance, to organise a time to meet prior to coming with your bike.

•Due to a large number of bikes not being collected for days on end, resulting in lost earnings from jobs I am unable to take. I have been forced to take the decision to implement a small “late pickup/lost earnings” fee (Please note: This will only apply to those who haven’t confirmed a day you wish to pick up your bike before booking in). This will be charged as follows;

-up to 24hrs after work is complete = free

-24-48hrs after work is complete = £5

-48-72hrs after work is complete = £10

-72-96hrs after work is complete = £20

-96-120hrs after work is complete = £30

-Every 24hrs thereafter = £10

•Exact cash must be brought as no change can be given at this time.

Thank you for your understanding, Daniel